Friday, March 30, 2012

Six months

Lately, all I want to do is cry when I look at this girl!
I seriously can't believe how grown up she has already become.

In spite of that, we really love waiting for the milestones!

Some info about our six month old girl:
- 92 percentile all the way around
- green or brown eyes...depending on the day
- sleeping in her crib, finally finished!  (made my gpa skinner)
- still enjoying her baby food, and also tried some real food.  she is not picky!  
- constantly chewing on her hand and whatever else she can get in her mouth
- loves to hear her own voice.  the louder, the better!
- still loves the pacifiers
- can put her pacifier in her mouth, on her own!
- awake most of the day
- rolling constantly
- sleeps on her tummy
- loves her jumperoo
- cannot stand being in her carseat (screams on most car rides)
- first time in the snow!  spring break at the cabin.
- first baseball game
- constantly moving
- still wakes up with a grin on her face
- sitting up

Love getting to know my Emme babe!
It is hard to believe such a small person can have such a big personality!
We can't wait to see her continue to express it.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Five months

Okay, seriously!  Time is going by way too fast!
My baby is not a baby anymore!

I am having so much fun spending my time with her and watching her learn and grow!She is constantly 

Some info about our five month old girl:
- she is still a big girl (we get constant comments about how much she must "not" eat)
- greenish/brown eyes
- sleeps in her own her crib!!!
- loves eating her solids
- very vocal
- wants to hold her own bottle
- rolls from back to stomach almost immediately after being laid down
- starting to be very interested in Lisbon (and other dogs)
- trying to sit up
- consistently NOT or night
- finally has a bedtime (between 9 and 10)
- still loves being outside
- starting running with mom.  she loves being in the stroller!
Things just get better and better with our babe!  We are so grateful that
Heavenly Father sent her to our family!  

Monday, January 30, 2012

Four months

Isn't she so grown up?!  It is seriously amazing that she is already four months!
We are loving every second with our Emme!

I am so grateful that I get to stay at home with this girlie every single day!
She definitely makes life much more exciting!

Some info about our four month old girl:
- 26.5 inches long (97%), 16.4 pounds (92%), and 16.25 head circumference (50%)
- green eyes
- sleeps in her own her carseat that sits in her crib
- loves "Here's a Ball for Baby"
- wants to eat less food way more often (we're trying to change that)
- jabbers ALL the time!
- likes her pacifier, but loves chewing on her toys even more
- rolled over from tummy to back
- laughed for the first time
- loves to sit in Bumbo
- consistently sleeping 6 - 8 hours each night
- wakes up every morning at 4 for a snack, then goes back to bed until about 9
- so happy when she's outside
- first trip to the cabin
Life is good with this little girl!  We are so incredibly blessed to have her in our family!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Three Months

I swear, time travels at a whole different speed once you have a baby!
Seriously, how is this little angel already three months?!

It is so fun to watch her grow, but also makes me sad to see how grown up she already is!
Where is my tiny baby?!?

Some info about our three month old girl:
- huge (we'll see how big when we go to the doctor next month)
- eyes are starting to look green or brown...much to her dad's disappointment!
- sleeping in her mini crib, but quickly growing out of it
- LOVES to eat, whenever she can get it!
- constantly chewing on her hand and drooling (teething?)
- has become quite the chatty little lady
- still loves the pacifiers
- wants to be awake a lot more during the day
- gets furious when we put her on her tummy
- still a good sleeper
- enjoys playing on her activity gym
- really loves to sleep near mom and dad (in the same room)
- has really bad cradle cap
- has had her first pedicure (thanks, Aunt Lindsay)
- very interested in watching Lisbon
- met her cousins for the first time!
- wakes up SO happy, EVERY morning

I have to say, it just keeps getting better and better!
I love this age and finally having some real interaction with our girl!  
She is way too fun!!!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Magna Cum Laude

I'm going to be honest,
I am not sure who was more excited about this day, Robert or me!

Robert graduated Magna Cum Laude from the WP Carey Business School today!
He graduated with two degrees: Computer Information Systems and Supply Chain Management.
Not only that, but he was selected as one of four Outstanding Graduating Seniors 
(similar to valedictorian, but based on more than grades).
He also was selected to represent the CIS school by carrying their flag out:

While I love Robert and often get to witness was an incredible person he is,
for some reason graduation really helped me to feel a whole
new appreciation for all of the hard work that he has put forth in the last four years.


 All I have to say is, let's hope our kids follow in their dad's footsteps when it comes to school...
mom was a little bit of a slacker!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Two Months

Can you believe this little doll has been with us for two whole months?!
There is no way to describe it except for heavenly!

There is nothing better than getting to spend every day with her and learning 
about the little person that she already is and is becoming.

Some info about our two month old girl:
- 24.25 inches long (92%), 12.6 pounds (75%), and 15.25 head circumference (45%)
- eyes are looking blue for the moment
- swaddling irritates to leave her arms out!
- went through a super colicky phase which led to only formula (sad day for mom)
- still sleeps in her carseat, but naps in the swing
- loves to hear herself
- still loves her pacifier (thank heaven!)
- a little more scheduled: eat, play, nap - every 3 hours
- still HATES tummy time!
- consistently sleeping 5-6 hours each night
- loves to snuggle in mom and dad's bed each morning (so do mom and dad)
- gives mom a huge grin every time she gets picked up from the babysitter
- much more aware of sound and voices...especially mom's

We are in love!  And can't believe how quickly our darling babe is growing!!!

November 30 - A First Date

I am thankful...

for a sort of first date...three years ago.
(this picture is one year after that date)

Let's just put it simply, Robert and I apparently disagree about what constitutes a date.
Regardless, three years ago we went to the temple lights on what Robert
considers our first date.  Whether or not it really was a date, things have turned out 
pretty great since then!  Love him!